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Kristin Metheny, Energy Healer and Intuitive
Gifted with the ability to see your energy body remotely, Kristin helps you clear attachments, karmic patterns and negative energy... enabling you to connect deeply to your higher self.
Negative energy accumulates over years and stops you from connecting with your truth or living at your highest potential.
By freeing yourself of the negativity from mass consciousness and family patterns you naturally connect deeply to your higher self... and true happiness.
Kristin teaches you to recognize and release negative energy around you so you can transform your life forever.
How It Works
Your higher self is your natural state. It's the part of you that is Divine Source. And it has access to complete abundance... Abundance of love, health, prosperity and happiness.
But connecting deeply to your higher self is harder than it should be because you are constantly surrounded by negative energy. This negativity comes from family programming and mass consciousness.
And it disconnects you from your truth... your higher self.
When you’ve lost connection to your higher self you’ve lost your ability to be happy. That's when you look for happiness outside of yourself... in the physical world. But you'll never find lasting happiness there.
The only true path to happiness is reconnecting to the light of your higher self. From there you can create anything in your physical world. But first you must clear away the negativity...
You'll need to become aware of the negative energy and the control it has on you. Where in your body and energy field is it? What does if feel like... look like? Why is it there?
Once you become aware of it, and are ready for it to leave, it has to go. You are always in command of your space... no negative energy has power over you unless you give up that power.
Through focused energy healing and meditation Kristin brings you to a state of awareness so you sense the negative influences, release them, and connect deeply to your true self.
Kristin does not heal you. She is a guide to reconnect you to your higher self. The power is always within you to heal.
Coming Soon... Free Video Resources
Every month Kristin releases new inspirational videos and guided meditations to help you connect deeply to your higher self.
Check here often to find the latest inspiration.
And find out how to raise your vibration and create the true happiness you deserve...

Featured Testimonials

Lynn Kehoe, Calgary

Kristin, I want you to know from my heart how much you touched me with your guidance and kind spirit. I have been amazed at how different I feel. After working with you, I feel like I refer back to much of what you said to me as reassurance that I can achieve all that I want in life and that all will be well. Your readings have brought me peace of mind that I never would have expected and I feel such gratitude to you. I can’t thank you enough and I have been telling all of my friends about my experience and encouraging them to seek your spiritual guidance.

Heidi Rhea, Colorado

Kristin, I can’t thank you enough!! Your amazing clarity and insight have been invaluable to me and my family. Through all of the life changes my family has dealt with in the last few years, your support and clarity has been invaluable to all of us. Thank you again for doing the work that you do with such great love and understanding. Our world is a better place when we have people like you to walk through the good and tough times with us.

Tana Lloyd, Saskatchewan

Thank you so much, Kristin, for helping me reconnect and feel the love and positive energy from within. I am so grateful for this amazing experience and the sense of peace I feel inside. I am now focused on moving forward with renewed energy and self-confidence. I am so thankful for your guidance and hope you are able to touch the lives of many more who are looking to feel peace and joy inside.
Not Sure Where To Begin?
Here are two of the most popular posts...
#1 – Energy Vampires: 5 Steps Clear Negative Energy And Stop Attracting Them... Do you have energy vampires in your life? You likely have at least one person in your life that drains your energy. Learn why and steps to clear negative energy to stop attracting them.
#2 – Happiness Is A Choice... How To Let Your Higher Self Guide You... If happiness is a choice, why does it seem so hard to choose? Learn the answer and how to tame your ego to let your higher self show you how to be happy. Learn more, now.

Kristin is a guide to reconnect you to your Spirit so you can heal yourself. The power is always within you to heal.
Copyright 2021. Kristin Metheny. All Rights Reserved